Neurodiversity Affirming & Bilingual

Serving parts of Howard & Baltimore county, Maryland

Louisa Lopez

Pediatric speech language pathologist

Our Belief

At Speech & Sensory LLC, we believe that all children have the right to communication given social-emotional support by their parents, caregivers, teachers, therapists & community. We advocate for a child’s right to express their basic wants, needs, thoughts, ideas, comments & questions. It is a child’s right access what they need in order to succeed. At Speech & Sensory we strive to equip the child with self-advocacy skills needed to thrive and succeed in all environments. We strongly believe that Neurodivergent children are unique in their own individualized way. Our priority is that Neurodivergent children are fully supported and can actively participate in their therapy while experiencing joy. We believe in providing a safe, therapeutic environment for our clients and their families to feel secure, safe and happy.

Our compassionate care is what sets us apart from other providers. We consider all factors when assessing and developing treatment plans to make them meaningful for both child and family. Our unique holistic approach includes truly getting to know our clients, caregivers & their family members by considering all dynamic factors. Our biggest focus is collaborative care, in which we coordinate meetings where all team members involved in the child’s services are present by providing a space to share strategies & progress. It is our goal to make sure that team members (e.g. daycare, school staff, family members & therapists) are all on the same page when it comes to the child’s journey to regulation, engagement & social communication.

We are an out-of-network provider and accept private pay. Currently, we are providing monthly super bills for the client to submit for reimbursement from their insurance company as needed. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to schedule a consultation call for further information.

We pride ourselves in the quality and integrity of our services.